Shopify Inventory Sync Fails Stock Management Turned Off

How to enable the inventory sync


Your inventory sync from QuickBooks to Shopify fails.


Your Connex logs shows this error:

Error updating product. SKU: . Price: 149.00. Name: MAT-BR4050H. Stock 95. Error: Product G9 PUMP has stock management turned off. Log into Shopify. Click products and open the product. Scroll down to inventory. Under inventory policy, select Shopify tracks this product's inventory.    


Enable inventory management

Here are the steps:

  1. Log into Shopify.
  2. Open the product.
  3. Check the track quantity box: 
  4. In QuickBooks, open the product.
  5. Make a change to the description.
  6. Click save.
  7. Run your web connector.

Multiple SKUs same product

Ensure your Shopify SKU is unique. Only one product per SKU. This can happen, when you have two products with the same SKU and one is depublished.