Map Product SKU using the Rules Engine

How to map SKUs from your website to QuickBooks.

Connex has a rules engine. You could say if the product SKU is "123", then the QuickBooks item name is "ABC". This ensures your products map correctly. For an automatic way to check for mismatched products, read this guide.

In this example, we will map a SKU from your website to a product in QuickBooks: 

  1. Login to Connex.
  2. Click Rules Engine 
  3. Click Add new rule.
  4. Click "Rule without condition": 
  5. Optionally, you can use the order previewer to locate a specific sale: 

  1. On the next page, It will show you the fields where you want to map your prodcut.
  • What do you want to call the rules =  Rule Name
  • Initial Value = Name of the product on your Selling Channel or vice versa to Quickbooks
  • Value which need to be updated = Name of the product on your Selling Channel or vice versa to Quickbooks