  2. General Troubleshooting Guide
  3. QuickBooks Online Error Messages

Another product or service is already using this name

Ensure your QuickBooks products and websites SKUs are an exact match


Sales fail to sync and you receive this error in your log:

Another product or service is already using this name. Please use a different name.


Connex is unable to create or find a product in QuickBooks. 


Ensure your products use Cyrillic letters or numbers only

Connex can only match numbers or Cyrillic letters between your product SKU and QuickBooks products. If your QuickBooks item name or SKU has Arabic letters, then the sync will fail:

Item VIP Community المجموعة الخاصة بالتجربة المميزة has failed to export: The name supplied already exists. : Another product or service is already using this name. Please use a different name.

Remove special characters

Ensure your SKUs are letters or numbers. Spaces and single dashes will work.